
I sometimes can’t believe how absolutely unlucky we are. And in the next breath, I can’t believe how lucky we are.

Our carbon monoxide detector went off. Our heater is on the fritz, which means no heat until our landlord replaces it. It’s been between the negatives and 17* outside. Brilliant timing. Half of the outlets in our kitchen just stopped working. Of course it’s the fridge. Now my fridge is running on an extension cord until that gets fixed. With a tiny toddler running around. Uh
… okay. Okay fine. No heat, extension cord but at least we have the fridge to keep the food we do have, because I already overspent our food budget and there’s still 10 days before it gets replaced. Okay fine. Now the bathroom sink just stops draining. All of a sudden. And there’s a drip. So by morning my sink is on the verge of overflow. So I wake up to a carbon monoxide detector going off, immediately losing all the heat in my house, no fridge, and an overflowing sink.

But at least we have each other.

How many times can that tide me through rough times? When do we get a break?!

Please, Lord, let it come soon.




Papa started school again today, which is awesome and sucks all at the same time. It’s awesome because every semester is one semester closer to our future, but I’ve definitely enjoyed being able to spend time together the last few weeks. Plus he’s SUPER helpful with housework and that’s been a major perk. Today was weird, it’s too cold to play outside so I didn’t really know what to do with myself all day. Logan and I practiced pouring water from container to container and played a lot of cars. I’m pretty sure he’s having a growth spurt and he’s CRANKY about it so there’s a lot of kangaroo care going on.

I’m really excited, in a few weeks we’ll be starting some home improvement projects that have been on the to-do list for months and months. I doubt I’ll share too many photos, our house uhhh sucks but we’re going to make the best of it here until we can buy one of our own.

Logan’s nursery is about to become an honest to goodness bedroom, a Montessori styled toddler room to be exact. I may share that. Hopefully it will be so AWESOME that he’ll even sleep in it. Hah.

I’m in a pretty positive place right now, which is kind of new. I can’t wait for the seasons to come.


I’ve also been really on top of our food, I made my first ferment (dilly beans) which was hugely successful so I’m fermenting sauerkraut now. Hopefully it will be
equally successful. I also made really good bread. Not just okay bread, really really good bread. I’m so proud.
